Tag Archives: bad ad

Head On – This Ad’s Offensive To The Forehead

headon advertising meme
eg. of the Broken Record method

You gotta admit … you probably needed something like Head On to relieve the headache you got, once you saw this Head On ad.

Some marketing people apparently believe that causing the audience a pain in the skull is a smart way to attract new customers.

If you never saw this ad before, and you are wondering why you suddenly have a headache … data shows, it’s not the ice bucket challenge that you deftly avoided doing last week, when it was still cool.

Worst Osteoarthritis Ad Ever?

This ad so toweringly distasteful and stupid, you can’t help but hope that the campaign from whence it launched crashed and burned mid-flight.

bad to the bone horrible advert exploits 9/11 scene

Seriously … the ad campaign manager responsible for this piece of trash ad could not think of a more original, less offensive way to promote a serious health issue like osteoarthritis?

This ad is, in fact, so bad, that we have to issue it our first ever Simon Sez Warning:

Simon Says this ad is bad
How do your ad specs compare?